Inquiry for filters

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Inquiry for filters, eingegangen am 03.08.2009.
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Anfrage Inquiry for filters vom 03.08.2009
Text zur Anfrage Dear Sirs, we plan a system, which needs a filter with the next parameter, as below: Pos.1. Connection: G3/4 Operating pressure: max. 4 bar Fluid: strong NaCl Flow: 100 l/h Cartridge: 40 micron, teflon Temperature of fluid: 80 Celsius Because the volume of the solid contamination is high (approx. 2,5 kg/hour), the filter should be washed back. Because of the very aggressive fluid with relative high temperature (80 Celsius) the material of the filter house and filter cartrige must made by teflon. Qty: 2 pcs. Pos.2. (for sample unit) Connection: fitting for d=6 mm plastic tube Operating pressure: max. 2 bar Fluid: strong NaCl Filter element: 5 micron, teflon Temperature of fluid: 80 Celsius Because of the very aggressive fluid with relative high temperature (80 Celsius) the material of the filter house and filter cartridge must made by teflon. Qty: 1 pcs. Please let us know, if you had such a product on your product range. In case a positive feedback, please send us a quotation incl. price and delivery time. Thank you for your efforts in advance and hope to hear from you soon. Best Regards Tamás Késmárki NOR-SERVICE Kft. Sales Manager H-1205 Budapest, Nagykõrösi út 99. ' +36 1421 4590 7 + 36 1 421 4599 Mobil: + 36 20 9783 786 Email:
Menge 2+1
ca. Auftragswert
erforderlicher Liefertermin 3 Wochen
Versandart UPS
Angebot bis 05.08.2009

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